3 Blogs You Need to Bookmark

July 25, 2017

It's been a little while since I sat down and properly read through my blog following feed on bloglovin', but over the weekend I decided to take a few hours at to catch up with my favourites and I also stumbled across a few new ones that I just instantly loved content wise, so I thought i'd share with you all a few i've been loving.
Recently i've noticed a few shifts in the blogging community, and the social media cat fights certainly have not stopped which is a shame to see, and it's times like that, that make me realise we need to lift each other up rather than tearing each other down. So this is where this post has come from, in an attempt to share some love!


I met Jodie through a few blog comment pods i'd been in, similarly to a lot of my favourite bloggers and I instantly loved her content, from the way it's written to the beautiful photography that is always fresh and clean. What I love is that Jodie has such a mix of content, mainly beauty and fashion but with her upcoming wedding it's lovely to see a different mix of wedding content thrown in, and although i'm a very far way from getting married, I absolutely loved her recent post Preparing For The Wedding #1 and if any of you gals are getting married or in the prepping stage i'd highly recommend giving that post a read!


Leanne is another amazing babe that I met through my first ever Instagram pods, and has ever since been a blog that i've loved reading! I'm forever swooning over Leanne's unreal beauty collection and wishing I could justify splurging after reading everyone of her posts. A recent favourite of mine was her Makeup Lately post, sharing a few recent additions into her collection, and I have to say that Becca palette is all kind of perfection and it's currently top of my beauty wishlist!


Jess's blog is one that i've followed for a long time without actually realising, and a few weeks back I started to notice her content popping up more and more on the bloglovin beauty pages which entised me to start reading her posts, and boy have I been missing out! Her photos are just absolutely stunning, and it's nice to see someone creating photos that separate her from everyone else. I also like that her content is different to what I see from a lot of bloggers, and takes a different approach to her single product reviews. I absolutely loved her A Guide to Pixi Glow Tonic, as she didn't just review this product, Jess actually explains why it does what it does and how to use it!

What blogs are you loving at the moment?

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Thank you for all of your lovely comments. I do read every single one and I appreciate all of the amazing feedback from you lovely people! I will try to reply, but you can also tweet me @stylesplurging for a quicker response :) x

© Style & Splurging 2017.