This Week I #19

April 28, 2014

Again, this week has been pretty sweet. I got to see a lot of my friends who were back from uni and catch up to them, which was great. I've also been a little ill with a cold and cough, which hasn't been too great but I haven't let it stop me.
 Tried to eat a little healthier - After pigging out a bit over the Easter weekend, I decided to try and watch what i'm eating a little more. So this past week i've just been trying not to each as much junk, and I actually feel a little better for it.
Went bowling - I haven't been bowling for years, but on Wednesday myself and my friends decided to go as a way to catch up, whilst also having a bit of a laugh. I lost but I still had a good time! 
Solidly worked on uni work - I finish uni in less than a month now, and pretty much everyday this week I have been sat at my desk trooping on and forcing myself to get this work done. I just can't wait to finish!
 Spent the weekend in Bristol - As it was my boyfriends birthday last week, we went to Bristol for a night out in order to further the celebrations. We had a mooch around the town and devoured a Frankie & Benny's in the day and then checked out Bristols night life. I definitely recommend!
Went a bit mad with 20% student discount - If you're a student like me, then you'll know a lot of places have been offering 20% discount and it's safe to say i've definitely taken advantage. I picked up some bits from Topshop and i'm also waiting for a few more orders.

What have you been up to this week?

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  1. Ah nothing like an evening of bowling with friends! I'm gutted, my Topshop splurge was the week before 20% off - so unlucky! xx

  2. glad you've had a fun week. Hope you feel better now! x

  3. Hope you're feeling better! I haven't been bowling in forever, hope you had a good week!

    Beth @ BethBlogsBeauty

  4. I miss bowling, I use to love it.



  5. I can't wait to get a student discount card! Hope you feel better soon :)

    Kate xo //


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