10 Ways To Destress & Relax

October 12, 2016

Over the past couple of years i've definitely noticed and felt that my stress levels have become a lot higher than what they used to be, what with having a full time job, bills to pay and dealing with everyday life struggles, things just have a lot more importance and I care a lot more about those things than I did say two or three years ago. With that comes dealing with that stress and learning how to switch off, so I thought today i'd share the way in which I try to destress after a busy week and just take time to relax.
All in all i'd say I deal with stress fairly well, as I try my hardest to not let it have a negative effect on myself as well as those around me and most of the time I just take it in my stride. Having said that i'm sure some of you can relate that some weeks can be completely stress free, whereas others leave you feeling exhausted and that's kind of how i'm feeling at the moment as work is crazy busy, with lots going on so i've definitely taken this weekend just gone to have some me time, so I thought this post was perfect timing!

1. Have a good clear out - With the winter weather firmly set in, I decided to switch all of my summer clothes out for my chunky knits that had been in hiding for the last six months. With that I decided to have a good clear out and get rid of anything I hadn't worn at all during the summer, and it honestly felt amazing to just declutter and have a good tidy!

2. Catch up on your favourite blogs/youtubers - One thing that I look forward to of an evening or weekend is catching up on what i've missed throughout the week blog and youtube wise as it gives me a nice few hours to just relax and almost ignore any stress that I have going on. It's also a time where it allows my mind to be free to take inspiration for any blog post ideas, which is something I often stress about especially if I have no content ideas for the upcoming week.

3. Have a bath with all of the Lush products - This is one of my favourite things to do when i've had an exhausting few days, and as i've just purchased a load of new Lush halloween products I couldn't think of anything better. Spending 20-30 minutes soaking away, with my candles lit and my macbook cleverly balanced on the toilet so I can watch youtube videos or listen to music is just the ultimate relaxation time! Check out my Lush Haul and see what new products I picked up!

4. Have a nap - For me having a nap can be a risky thing, but I do find that when i'm stressed i'm often exhausted also so having a good hour or so nap allows me to switch off for a bit and just forget about my worries for a small amount of time.

5. Take your makeup off and whack on a face mask - One thing I don't do often enough is a good face mask and I often forget how relaxed it makes me feel. I've recently become obsessed with sheet masks and these Anatomicals Firming Face Masks* (£8) have been a favourite of mine recently. They leave my skin feeling so refreshed and plump after a tiring week at work, which I definitely needed this weekend just gone!

6. Switch off - By switch off I mean switch off. Turn off your phone, don't check social media and just have an hour or so to yourself with no added distractions. Although finding something to do in that hour could be difficult.. 

7. Get yourself a hot chocolate and some biscuits - One way that makes me feel instantly better is good hot chocolate and a sweet snack, usually a chocolate biscuit to dunk in my hot chocolate. I don't know why but it just makes me feel calm and I guess the warmth is soothing on soul.

8. Light all of the candles - For the past few weeks i've been really enjoying coming home and lighting a few candles in my room. I absolutely love candles as there is something really calming about them and with the evenings getting colder they add some warmth and cosiness into my room.

9. Exercise - On the opposite side of the spectrum actually getting up and moving is another way for me to destress as a sweaty workout often makes me feel so much better. It allows me to get out any anger or frustration, but I cannot explain how good exercise can make you feel!

10. Snuggle up in bed and catch up on PLL - As well as catching up on youtube I also find taking a few hours to catch up on whatever TV series i'm watching really allows me to switch off and focus on the storyline. My fave TV series is PLL, but i'm thinking of re-watching One Tree Hill as I used to love it! 

So those are a few ways that I like to switch off from the stresses of a tiring week and give myself some me time. I hope this post was helpful and has given you a few ideas in how you can relax and destress!

How do you destress after a tiring week?

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