Sunday Summary - Things Are Looking Up

March 08, 2015

The past couple of weeks have been so hectic with starting my new job, which I told you guys all about in my most recent Sunday Summary but I thought i'd do a little update, as i'm loving it so far and so many of you have asked me questions about it.
These flowers arrived on my doorstep last Saturday from my Dad and Step Mum, amongst a load of cards from family, all congratulating me on getting the job. The support i've had has been a little overwhelming but I couldn't of asked for anything else, as i'm literally smiling from ear to ear.

I started my new job just under two weeks ago and i've started at the busiest time possible, but I always work better under pressure I feel and so far i'm settling in really well. All of my colleges are lovely and have all been so welcoming that it has definitely taken a lot of pressure off of me. I've already sent off my first design to me sampled up and hopefully that will going into the next A/W season, which is so exciting!

As I mentioned in my previous post, the fashion brand in which I work for (which I will tell you all about at some point) is launching in the UK next week! - so you can imagine how busy and stressful it has been. It has meant a lot of very early mornings and long nights, which has been challenging as I miss my lie ins already but it's been a good learning experience for me and it's all part and parcel of this industry.

I don't really know what else to say, other than I am so much happier already and I can't wait to get stuck in even more and to see how this brand grows over the next year! Through all of the chaos I hadn't even celebrated getting the job properly, but on Friday my family, boyfriend and myself finally got to celebrate with the tastiest Italian food ever! The food was so good and tasty that i'd already devoured it before thinking about taking any picture #bloggerproblems!

Also I hope you've been enjoying the blog posts that i've been putting out, i'm having to schedule myself a lot more and although i'm feeling a little disconnected, i'm sure i'll get into a routine that works for not only myself but you lovely readers also!

How has your week been? Any good news? - Let me know!

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  1. That's so great that you're enjoying your new job! I'm sure you'll get the hang of getting your schedule together eventually, and will have time to blog when you are not overwhelmed with all that's happening! By the way, those flowers are gorgeous :)

    Ree / Coffee with Ree

  2. I'm glad you've settled into your new job and that you're loving it :) i've had a pretty boring week just focusing on uni work and deadlines coming up!

    Emily // Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


  3. Lovely flowers!

    Its great that you have settled down in your new job :)


    Elephant stories
    and more

  4. So great you are liking your new job and it must be so exciting for you. Hope you get a hang of your schedule.

    Jackie | fashionxfairytale | bloglovin' |

  5. I'm glad things are going well for you! x

  6. Charlotte Morgan9 March 2015 at 08:47

    Aren't they just! xx

  7. Charlotte Morgan9 March 2015 at 08:48

    Yes, I do hope so! Thank you! xx

  8. Charlotte Morgan9 March 2015 at 08:48

    Aww thank you!! I remember those days haha! xx

  9. Charlotte Morgan9 March 2015 at 08:48

    Thank you! xx

  10. Charlotte Morgan9 March 2015 at 08:49

    So exciting! Hopefully should, it seems to be going okay so far, I guess I'm just not used to scheduling myself so much! xx

  11. Charlotte Morgan9 March 2015 at 08:49

    Aww thank you! xx


Thank you for all of your lovely comments. I do read every single one and I appreciate all of the amazing feedback from you lovely people! I will try to reply, but you can also tweet me @stylesplurging for a quicker response :) x

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